Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Review Your Website And Suggest Helpful Improvements


Designing a website is a creative process. Agreed!

But is it just about creativity, colors and contours? No, it’s much more than that!

It is a business tool and is intended to realize desired business objectives. So, the website you design must appeal, engage and influence users to take an intended action.

  1. Search Engine Optimization - This is the process of optimizing your website to get organic traffic. On-page SEO, title and meta tags, 301 redirects, and more will start you on the right path.
  2. Design - A page's style will include many elements. Top priority is consistency, great custom images, and an easy navigation.
  3. Content - Well written content is key. Understand your tone, give value, and quality over quantity.
  4. Conversion - The last step to a great website: conversion. This part will produce results. Use Calls-to-Actions, landing pages, forms, and more.
  5. Overall Suggestions & Fixes

Remember, your website should be an active, social and “living” tool for your business.


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