Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Provide A Consultation And Work Plan For Your Online Course


Whether you are looking to create an online course for the first time as a passion project or transitioning what used to be an in-person class online due to the recent pandemic, I can help you create a dynamic, fun, and educational online learning experience. 

As a social worker and public health practitioner, I found online teaching was one of the only ways I could connect with trainees in a time and place that fit all of our schedules. However, I did not want to lose the valuable aspects of an in-person course, so I got creative. My style is driven by the fact that every piece of content, layout, and activity in an online course should make the trainee want to learn and apply their newfound knowledge.  I have experience with asynchronous  and synchronous courses.

Over the past 4+ years, I have taught and created over 10 online courses in topics including: 

  • Statistics
  • Human behavior
  • Clinical social work
  • Health policy
  • Advocacy
  • Program development
  • Career development
  • Lifestyle courses (e.g. decluttering your life, travel tips)

I am looking forward to help you create, expand, or customize your course!



Jennifermeye was great... helped me to take my program to the next step!!!


Good information. Great recommendations!

: : :

Provide A Consultation And Work Plan For Your Online Course

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