Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Mentor You On How To Go Super Viral On Instagram


Make your Instagram account PAY for your lifestyle!

I am a viral social media influencer in the purest sense of the term.

I do not use engagement groups, bots, like for like, or any of those paid services on offer.

Everything I do is manual Instagram work, using built in features and research, this provides ORGANIC growth with REAL engagement.

I specialise in viral videos and getting views, as this is what my test account is for.

However I run 12 private accounts that I use to test the algorithm in various niches and grow them in the best way possible.

In the last month I have grown this test account from 13K followers and under 100K weekly impressions, to over 175K followers with over 14 Million weekly impressions!

We've been featured on Explore page and official playlists over 32 times in that period.

We have more engagement and impressions than accounts with 10x - 20x our follower count.

This gig will give you a breakdown on what I do to give posts the best chance to go viral and will include one month of 1 on 1 mentorship to help you grow your accounts.

So if you are serious about growing on Instagram the RIGHT way and being a TRUE influencer, this gig is for you.


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