Saturday, January 25, 2020

Be Your Official Ico Or Ieo Advisor Until The Token Sale



I have been involved in blockchain startups since 2014.  Both as a tech advisor, investor, and board member. I have over 50000+ valuable network contacts in the industry, including crypto investors, traders and tech engineers. Nowadays, there are many aspects that you needed to consider to launch your project and I can help you streamline many parts of the process in a cost-effective manner. 

You will get:

- I will review the documents and suggest updates. 

- I will be your official advisor until crowd sale with ongoing updates. 

- I will give active feedback on your business pitch to insure you can have a great product.

- I will provide guidance on the Do's and Don'ts of the ICO process so you can save millions of dollars as well as time.

- I will help you to find and proceed with cost-effective ways for everything. 

- I will give my LinkedIn details to use it on your project page and I will update my LinkedIn.

- Help with listing your ICO on major exchanges. 

- Advise on Marketing, legal, crowd sale strategies. 

Offers will be different for ICO and IEO, so please contact me before, you order the gig. 


Seller's Response:

He's a really good person


Thank you so much sir


Excellent Buyer

: :

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