Sunday, January 26, 2020

Provide A Life Changing Faith Filled Goal Setting Workbook


Plan your best year ever! Fill this workbook with faith and manifest the life of your dreams.

This 8-page workbook comes with a prayer and 3 exercises for setting F.A.I.T.H Goals.

The Workbook Covers

  • Review of the past year
  • Faith Goal Setting
  • Affirmations
  • Vision Board

I hope 2020 is all you desire it to be and more. God bless you 

P.S - Who says your best year yet has to start on Jan 1st? If you decide today to change your life, set your goals and start now.



Always enjoy working with this seller!


Seller was very responsive and made revisions per my request. Would definitely recommend.


Thanks for the personalization of the guide. It's short, sweet, nicely organized, and a good place for people starting on their goal setting journey.


A refreshing jewel. A timely reminder to stay focused on what matters. Thank you!


Sublime, as always.

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