Sunday, January 26, 2020

Determine If Your Business Idea Can Make Money


I have won the Money Skill Challenge twice and the Business Senior award out of my entire class. I have read a number of reputable books on business, such as Marketing for Dummies and The 1-Page Marketing Plan. As a result, I have learned to understand if an idea for a business is or is not sustainable.

Using this knowledge, I will critique your business idea in a docx document so that you know if it can work before you sink any time or money into it. Furthermore, I will make sure to clarify what steps for improvement can be taken so that you can make sure the idea is as good as can be before you get started. For an additional fee, I will do some market research and give you marketing tips to build your initial customer base.

On top of that, I will be sure to stay in touch with you and will occasionally send you an email asking how your business is going, giving the opportunity to ask for additional advice.

I’m excited to work with you, so order now.


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