Monday, January 27, 2020

Challenge Your Startup Idea


Are you working on a startup idea at the moment and everyone keeps telling you how great it is but you want an honest sanity check?

Would you like to bounce this idea off of someone to get feedback?  Real feedback?

Looking for constructive criticism?

If so I think I'm perfect for the job because 

1. Devils advocate - I can quickly research and provide feedback on your project.  This can help you clarify key risks early. 

2. Next level - I can help you see the potential of the idea and walk you through some marketing/sales tactics to test these ideas out. 

3. Honest approach - I have my own projects I am working on and I have nothing to gain or loss by providing you the feedback you need to be successful.

4. Curious - Extremely curious so might have come across similar ideas in the past I can refer you to and show you what or why that maybe didn’t work for them. 

5. Vision - Having started numerous companies and worked in web marketing for years I can help layout a good roadmap for where you could go with this project.


: : : : :

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