Sunday, March 29, 2020

Help You Create An Elevator Pitch


An elevator pitch is the most important when speaking to potential clients. 

You need to master your 10 sec & 30 sec elevator pitch to get your foot in the door. Instead saying for ex "I am an accountant and I help people do their taxes" you want it to sound that you are the only accountant they would do business with.

An elevator pitch is a quick and well-crafted memorized short speech or pitch designed to sell your product or service so people say WOW & want to run to speak to you to know more about how you do business and connect with you.  You will be sounding different than the others in the same business industry and people will notice you think outside the box instead of copying your competitors...

It can be used as you network with people anywhere you go.

It doesn't let people YAWN when you are speaking.

Most important, it organizes your thoughts.

Let's create an excellent Elevator Pitch to show people you have a solution to their problem and needs and you want to service them... all without sounding like you are trying to sell them something. 


Let's make them run to you instead of you running to them begging for business.


: : : : :

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