Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Give You My Sales Goals Calculator


Not sure of how to set sales goals daily, weekly, monthly or yearly? well it doesn't matter if you are a one man army or have a sales team this handy tool will  help set the goal for activity levels. Now based on revenue each sales person wants to earn yearly this calculator will put them on track for success, it also shows what the company will make as well as a result of their efforts.

Don't send a salesperson out selling again without calculating their performance then you can monitor their success and if they fall short then some additional training is in order. Don't let your sales team run your company with activity levels they choose instead you set the standards to operate at maximum sales efficiency. 

So what are you waiting for purchase this gig today! and start getting improved sales and profits.



good job great


Very helpful tool.


great prodcut


Great stuff!


Awesome delivery service with great communication. Thank you so much!

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