Monday, March 30, 2020

Heal Your Website To Attract More Clients


This service is for those whose business it is to offer products and services online. 

First of all, check out my profile here on fiverr and see if you feel that it has a kind of cozy, welcoming, trust inspiring look about it? This is the energy that I am sending out and I can help you do the same.

We are living in the world of energies. Clients get attracted to us, not because of the fancy look of our webpage, but of the way it makes them feel when they look at it. 

Our own negative thoughts, emotions and attitudes affect significantly the energy we are putting out into the world via the website. Also, when clients come to check out our online business, they bring their own, mostly negative energies. All those energies as well as the negative cords created through this interaction, cause the website to be customer “repelling” rather than attracting. 

What I offer:

  • Remove all negative energies from the website
  • Remove all the cords
  • Energize the website with energies of prosperity

Additional Items:

  • For an additional 5 USD, I will clean your laptop
  • For an additional 5 USD, I will clean your mobile phone


Seller's Response:

Thank you :)

Seller's Response:

Thank you so very much for this healing. Again, I received valuable information and insight into my business, some of the things I wasn't even aware of. I am sure I'll be using your services a lot this year.


Hahaha sure, happy to help you to succeed in any way I can. My pleasure! 😃


Marjalilli's session is the best thing that has happened to me this year. I also received an in-depth insight into my business with valuable information that I am going to follow to a t. I am so thankful.


Thank you so much for your kind words. Hope this helps! Keep me posted on how it goes 😃

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