Monday, February 24, 2020

Coach You On Transformational Leadership


There are two types of people: people who are highly relational–what they want to be sure of is that, no matter what’s going on, the relationship is okay; , we have people that are highly transactional–they are highly task-oriented and what they want to be sure of is that the job gets done.
Many leaders have been taught how to manage people, yet most have never been taught or given the practical tools to lead people and manage the processes, systems, and procedures around them. In this series, you will learn how to remove the constraints within your organization to unite bottom-line results with strong personal relationships!

So what happens when the people-oriented individuals collide with the task-oriented individuals in your workplace, home, friendships, or any other organization? Stress? Underperformance? Anger? Loss of profits? Anxiety?

I will teach you how you can bridge this gap between highly relational and highly transactional people in your organizations, and become a relactional leader, one who can lead toward profitability and productivity, while cultivating a culture that attracts the best talent. And, most importantly, you will become the leader that you aspire to be!


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