Monday, February 24, 2020

Consult With You To Develop A Plan For Additional Coaching


Select option #1 You can purchase my Introductory One Time Only 15 minute Executive Business Coaching if you just want to provide an overview of a challenge you are facing that I can provide a resolution. 

Select option #2 be coached as follow up to work on your business and find solutions for your challenges after the intro coaching.

Select option #3 If you prefer to work with me on a regular basis for challenges and accountability affecting your business and personal performance.

Contact me if you have any questions before purchasing my gigs. 


If you schedule a coaching call with me and are a no-show, I will consider your order as delivered unless you notify me via Fiverr in advance so I have time to assign your time slot to someone else.

If you live outside of the USA I use Skype or Zoom for meetings since this is a one on one coaching experience, once you make your purchase I will send my booking link to schedule your coaching.

 If you are serious about growing your business then don't hesitate any longer looking for the answers and support that my coaching will provide.

I strive to under promise and over deliver and I work hard for top level reviews.



Excellent Coach!!


you did a great job on getting me focus on my sales progress


Exceptional advise. Money maker!


Very insightful/knowledgeable, excellent feedback, just what I needed to hear....will definitely use his expertise again!


It was fun to talk to Kip and I picked up many things to pay attention to.

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