Thursday, February 27, 2020

Tell You How The Investors Make Money In Venezuela


My name is david Torrealba and I'm a librarian. I live in the country with the worst economic situation in the world. The country where a food product a year ago cost 50 bolivars and today costs 20,000 bolivars. Inflation has caused millions of Venezuelans to fall into poverty, but this same economic situation has also benefited thousands of investors within Venezuela and around the world, generating huge profits for them in different ways. Today the number of Chinese and Arab businesses are growing in Venezuela. This is because they have known in which sectors to invest in Venezuela in order to generate profits in the short and long term and not generate losses. 

 Although the oil sector is very difficult to invest, there are many other sectors and ways that investors from around the world take advantage of this economic situation. I am willing to investigate and inform you about the different ways in which people in Venezuela and people around the world generate income. You don't have to live in Venezuela to make a profits


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