Saturday, February 22, 2020

Be Your Personal Coach


As a studied therapist I invented a new coaching method to get your career boost straight forward. Based on the common NLP-Knowledge my happylife-method is full of surpises from all kind of positive psychology, mindfulness based stuff, humor, music, art and much more. You need a strong mindset and you need to allow yourself breaks and freetime. To get you in balance (work and life) or to stay strong in life-changing episodes you need to get coached by a experienced man like me. I work everyday with people who want to develop their potentials. Some of them even dont know their potentials and the power which is sleeping in them. If you want to impove your soft skills or just discover your ressources, feel free to contact me for a coaching session. As a therapist, it is an honor for me (and a blessing too) to work with people who are not ill. But as a therapist I promise you to work systematic and professional which is your benefit. You will get more than a standard coaching session. And my price is getting higher so dont wait too long. This is your life and this is your chance.


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