Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Coach You To Take Your Business To The Next Level


Recruiting and Selling the right way. You have to sell the candidate on the company and the company on the candidate. 

Recruiting is harder than sales because the product you're selling is your company. We teach you and your team Recruiting and Selling, Beliefs and Attitudes, and Mechanics and Strategy.

Every marketer and business owner wants to upsell and sell more products. I will teach you how it is done. 

Upselling is a sales technique where a seller induces the customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades or other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale. ...


Recruiting and Selling

Beliefs and Attitudes

Mechanics and Strategy.

Upselling and Getting People All In

Presentation Formula

Live internet Event Recruiting

Rapport Responsiveness Relationship. 

Generate Highly Targeted Leads.

Closing Leads On The Phone.

Let me teach you today!


: : : : :

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