Thursday, December 26, 2019

Review And Make Suggestions How To Improve Your Website


You've had your website for awhile and look how to improve the site for sales, conversion, usability or just getting more traffic, but don't know what to do. I'll offer you a fresh pair of eyes and review your website to give you pointers what you should do to improve your website.

Examples of things I will look on the site: 

  • Desktop, tablet and mobile friendliness. How responsive your site is with different devices, How design is working on different devices, is the content ordering correct for mobile version from conversion point of view...
  • Site headlines, are they selling, on point with your offering or just preventing real sales
  • Site speed: It is crucial for your site to load as fast as possible. 
  • Tone of voice: Are you using the right way to spread your message to your customers with your content?
  • Images: Quality, size, usage on the site, on spot with the message or general images with no interaction with the content? 
  • Usability of order and contact forms, are all forms user friendly to fill and are you asking for the right information or is there too much stuff to prevent conversion

Screenshots from the site and improvement suggestions provided on a pdf document.



always great service and work when working with gamoss!

: : : :

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