Monday, December 16, 2019

Help My Business Is Failing I Need Advise


Having been in Business and struggled to find advise on how to stop my business failing I am offering my knowledge of what I did to turn my business around and what hard discussions I had to have with people knocking on my door demanding payments.
What free methods I used to increase my customer base, my sales, customer care and follow up
What I did to get them through the door and kept them coming back.
How I dreamed big and took steps to achieving miracles without money in the bank.
Having a Positive mindset and with my end goals in mind created something from nothing.
Hard work, depression, lack of money, No support, Giving up was not an option.
If its all taken away from you, will you have the skills to start again
Lessons through Failing is part of the journey not the end.
Needing someone to talk my ideas through without costing a fortune and who would encourage me to take the next step without squashing my spirit
Where closed doors mean there is something else better close by

Sound like what you need
Then we need to connect


: : : : :

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