Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Take Your Project Through Af Design Thinking Process


Your first business idea usually isn't the best one! Let me help revise your idea!

Thinking that the first idea is the best idea can be costly - both financially and timewise.

I will take your initial idea through a Design Thinking process.

Design Thinking enables you to empathize with your customer/user to create desirable services, processes or products.

I will take a critical look on your initial idea and ensure you are on the right track. You will receive written and visual advice on how to proceed with your idea through 5 phases;

- Research
- Define
- Ideate
- Pretotype/Prototype
- Test

I have a master degree in Service Design from Aalborg University in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The advice given to your business idea will be of high quality.

Please contact me before buying - I want to ensure that I meet your expectations!


: : : : :

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