Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Help You Lay The Foundation For Growth For Your New Business


If you are starting a business there are core areas that lay the foundation of success. My goal is to help you set that up so you don’t have to worry about it later. You will be able to become laser focused on what you need to do to grow your business.

Industries I have worked in:

  1. Fitness (small studio and big corporate)
  2. Health Care (big corporate)
  3. Contracting/Construction
  4. Business Coaching
  5. Large Scale Influencer Marketing and Branding (1 Million + Subscribers)
  6. Entrepreneurship (started and have been a part of 10+ businesses)

Roles I have had:

  1. Director
  2. Business Manager
  3. Business Development Director
  4. COO
  5. Owner, and CEO

My passion is to help you get your business started the correct way to set you up for growth and scaling.

In this gig I will take a look at your new business and give you recommendations for taking it to the next level.

There are three levels of this gig.

Basic - Custom PDF report detailing how to improve your business assets

Standard - Basic + 5 Lead Magnet Ideas, Content Marketing Review/Suggestions

Premium - Standard + Starting Your Business Checklist, Social Media Calendar, and Email Marketing Review/Suggestions.


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