I have been successfully coaching remote teams and individuals to work on their full potential, GETTING WORK DONE in a very sustainable, fun and healthy way.There is no one formula fits all: I'll listen to your needs and share any valuable asset I have to contribute with meeting your goals. Helping to have a world where people work with purpose and enthusiasm is my passion!
I have a toolbox full of business/mkt strategy, project mgmt. and team engagement tools that I combine in very unique ways to each project I collaborate.
- B: Get new inputs on how to create and healthy and efficient remote work environment (latest tools, what will work best in your project, etc)
- S: Basic +Learn the art of effective meeting facilitation (focus on the 20% of work that brings 80% of results) I will facilitate up to 2 virtual meetings - 1h - up to 4 ppl. They will learn through experience and be able to adopt by themselves.
- P: Stand. +Lets be together for a month and propagate a very clear business strategy, adopt/ test/ adjust methods, tools, policies, processes, and so on.
1h of free consultancy if your project has the goal to contribute to any Sustainable Dev. Goals/SDG's

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