Sunday, August 30, 2020

Perfect Your Startup Pitch And Business Plan


I've studied start-ups and know what makes them successful. And I'm not just academic - I've worked at start-ups and pitched my own businesses.

As a startup coach, I will help you perfect your business plan and pitch. To be INVESTOR ready, COMPETITION ready, or NETWORKING ready.  I will:

- Provide honest and value-driven feedback 

- Guide you through developing a business plan or pitch 

For my premium coaching sessions, I'm here for you with whatever you need support with. Start-ups have their own challenges that we can dive into together. In these sessions I will:

- Brainstorm with you, dreaming big and bring it into bite size pieces

- Strategize on how to scale your company 

- Talk about different components of your business - marketing, sales, MVPs, building a team, ect.

- Be your accountability partner with regular check-ins to push & support you

My super skill - "you are able to bring joy and encouragement while highlighting someone else's skills or ideas. " Can't wait to support you!



Maraika setup a 4 week collaboration, to setup my startup. You perfectly well helped me to identify my targetgroups and intergrate this information in my website. Setup a social media marketing structure and business overview. Maraika is a very positive eager person to work with, with a high level professionalism. The deliverables were met, and I'm very content with the result.

: : : :

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