Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Mentor And Coach You To Start Your Own Business


Want to start a Business but you don't know where to start?

Starting a business can be a daunting process especially when you feel like you're doing it all alone. 

I'm here to help! I have experience in business start-ups, business consultancy and mentorship and I am here to help you get your business idea off the ground. 

When starting a business it can be difficult to prioritise what to focus on first. It takes time to connect all the dots and your startup cannot wait. Therefore, I am here to support you and get your new business off the ground sooner rather than later! 

In our sessions we will cover: 

Idea Feedback
: Feedback on your startup idea;

Business Model Feedback: Invaluable Feedback on your business model;

Business Competitor Analysis: Identify your key competitors and analyse all aspects of their business;

Target Market: Identify your target audience and market 

Customer Journey: Develop a customer centric journey 

Marketing: Essential marketing concepts using traditional and digital marketing 

Execution: Develop an execution plan 

Let's get started send me a message!


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Mentor And Coach You To Start Your Own Business

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