Saturday, May 30, 2020

Let You Pick My Brain About Advertising And Branding


Ever wish you could pick Don Draper's brain?

Good luck.

With this gig you will get only honest, reliable, and thought-provoking advice from an actual advertising agency Creative Director/copywriter. 

My name is Justin Oberman. I'm an advertising Creative Director with over ten years of experience slugging out exceptional work for brands of all shapes and sizes. 

I've seen what works and what doesn't work. 

But more importantly, I've seen what people think works and what people learn the hard way doesn't.

You can ask me anything.


I will only give you the advice you need to hear. Which may or may not be the advice you want to hear. 

This gig is only for people who want the no B.S, no strings attached answers to questions like:

"What do you think of these ads?"

"What's the best way to advertise baby shoes?"

"What kind of stuff should I post on Facebook?"

"Which logo to you like better?"

"What kind of ad agency should I hire?"

"Can you look at my portfolio?"

There are no wrong questions.

The world of advertising and branding can be harsh. 

I'm here to help. 

Click "Buy Now" to get started.

-Justin Oberman



What a treat to work with someone who has been around long enough to have experience in the advertising world. He had great ideas and I will be back again for more input. Thanks for your help.


If you feel you stuck with your project . This is place to go. Very good job done for


It was a pleasure working with you Justin. Everything was explained throughly,and I received great insight on what direction to go in.

: :

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