Saturday, May 16, 2020

Review Your Online Store And Give Tons Of Valuable Feedback



So here you are.

You set up your (maybe first) online store, launch some marketing and lo and behold, you are getting some page visits but the conversion rate is low. Or maybe, you haven't even launched it yet because you have no proof of concept and don't know if it's going to be worth it.

That is where I come to play.

I currently have 2 profitable e-com businesses and after helping out countless fellow entrepreneurs get profitable and increase their numbers, I have come to the conclusion that I can not continue to provide so much of my time for free.

At the same time though, I want to help out, so I have decided to set the price so low that everybody can afford my services.

For 5 bucks you will get feedback that will help you improve your ATC, CI and eventually conversions, but not only that. 

Perfectly tuned website is a recipe for longevity and brand building, and helps to not only acquire new customers, but also have returning ones.



Easy, responsive, and fast delivery. Good value.

: : : :

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