Sunday, October 4, 2020

Monitor The Sustainability Performance Of Your Business


You've changed your business for the better, but is it working? Monitoring ensures your sustainable transformation journey is on track and will demonstrate the positive impact the change has had on your business, community and the environment.

I work with businesses to identify and capitalise on opportunities for sustainable development. I am both a business owner and Environmental Consultant with a proven record in sustainable development. I combine these skills to make corporate-level sustainability practices accessible to every business. 

This is Stage 3: Monitor. Over 1 month I will check in weekly and monitor your sustainability performance against your Sustainability Plan. If anything needs changing, your plan will be amended 2 weeks into the process and changes will be further monitored.

I will:

  1. Check in to ensure that your plan is performing as expected;
  2. Be on-hand to answer any questions you may have;
  3. Amend your plan once if necessary; and
  4. Provide data to demonstrate how your changes have had an impact.

Order now to unlock the potential of sustainable growth in your business.


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