Sunday, October 18, 2020

Help You Learn How To Do Business With An Airport


From Storefront to Concessionaire: How to do business with the airport

Topics provide includes:

ü  What are concessionaire programs, supplier programs, and contactor relationships when doing business with the airport?

ü  What are the minimum qualifications to be a concessionaire at the airport?

ü  What is the difference between a RFP and a RFB?

ü  I’ve never submitted a proposal before. How do I get started?

ü  How long does the proposal selection process take?

ü  How do airports determine the use for each space?

ü  What is the cost to rent concession space at the airport?

ü  What is a developer / concession package?

ü  Do airports allow concepts on a trial or “pop-up” basis?

ü  How to secure a Business – to -  Business relationship with the airport?


: : : : :

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