Monday, October 12, 2020

Management Consulting Marketing And Strategy


I do management consulting for various size and stage companies who are interested in or who are already doing business in the healthcare or medical products industry.  I deliver any of a variety of services, as needed, such as marketing, market research, brand development, strategy, strategic marketing, strategic planning,  business process re-engineering, change management, and instigation of innovation.  Some of my accomplishments are:
  • Facilitated the creation and early implementation of the five-year strategic plan for a large division of a major medical products company, resulting in an average $1.3 B increase in annual revenue
  • Served as interim manager of a healthcare market vertical for a major telecommunication company resulting in a new global business unit responsible for $128 M in gross revenues in its second year of operations
  • Developed the marketing strategy for an anti-viral drug program responsible for $200 million in annual revenues
  • Participated in the implementation of a $150 million acquisition by a large healthcare company
  • Identified two venture investments in healthcare IT companies which achieved over 45% annualized returns to venture firm clients.


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