Saturday, October 3, 2020

Coach You On Becoming A Successful Salesperson



Ready to execute on your idea but don't have a sales bone in your body? That's where I come into play. 

I begin all of my services with a free 10 minute consult to ensure we are a good fit.

Ultimately, I would like to collaborate to work together on a one-time or weekly basis to ensure you have the proper tools to sell your product. This includes various tactics:

-finding the appropriate target market

-writing various prospecting emails for different segments

-writing a sales phone script

-"ride-alongs" on calls to analyze how to better the sales process

-speeding up the sales process 

I prefer that you already have a platform to do the literal sales on, but if not, I can help you find that too. Want something outside of this scope but seems to fall in the "sales" range? I am more than happy to help with that as well.


: : : : :

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