Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Provide A 7 Minute Skype Consultation For Startup Businesses


Guiding people to conquer THE business + lifestyle of their dreams, my goal is to show you how you can get your start-up running smoothly + quickly for as little money as possible. Because, come on...everyone + their grandmother should be an entrepreneur! What You Get: 1. A pre-evaluation, conducted by me, to ensure that when we meet on Skype I'm well-informed on what your business does + where you'd like it to go. 2. A 7-minute, private Skype chat where I will thoroughly explain my mastermind plans for your biz. 3. One (1) coupon for 25% off my e-course, SoloPreneur Boot Camp, launching in June 2013. What WILL Happen: 1. You WILL get valuable insight into how you can more efficiently + cost effectively start-up your small business. 2. You WILL leave our meeting feeling motivated + refreshed + focused + unstoppable. 3. You WILL discover how to conquer the specific nitty-gritty aspects of online businessry that plague your thoughts on the daily.


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