Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Improve Your Ecommerce Online Payments


Are you having an online business and challenges to find the right payment  service provider (PSP)?
Being rejeted or their conditions seem unfair to you? Get an independent review of your current conditions and get support with finding the payment service provider that really fits to your business.

Why chosing me? I'm an expert in the online payment industry with 5+ years and have guided and supported hundreds of merchants with their payment selections, onboarding and integration process. My focus areas are Europe, America and Australia. I know the PSPs out there and their pros and cons.

What do I offer:
  • initial check with you to identify your current needs and challenges in regards to online payments
  • comparision between several payment service providers (depending on the package selected)
  • payment method review
  • onboarding presentation document for your PSP

  • onboarding support

  • payment improvent review of your website (e.g. considering recurring payments, preauthorizations, subscriptions and many more)

Which clients do I not support:
  • merchants with illegal activities
  • restricted business in case you don't have a license

Order now and bring your business to the next level!


: : : : :

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